With us - for all: Regional energy partnership lived meaningfully

Since yesterday we have 6 ESEL charging points for electric cars on our premises. Probably the charging points are not yet listed in all info portals and navigation systems. As part of our partnership with EnergieSüdwest Projektentwicklung GmbH (who also build our 1MW PV system on the roofs of the production halls), we have made our parking spaces available as public charging points. All owners of e-cars can now charge their vehicle around the clock (but not park there around the clock ;)). We would like to express our sincere thanks to Kathrin Gläser and Robin Göbel from EnergieSüdwest Projektentwicklung GmbH for the dedicated, smooth and quick implementation of the project.

The charging stations can be reached directly at Maria-Goeppert-Mayer-Straße 4 at any time. First and foremost, our more than 250 employees and visitors will benefit from this opportunity, but our neighbors in the industrial area will certainly use the charging columns as well. Those who do not yet have a charging card can apply for the ESEL card via the Energie Südwest homepage. However, the stations can also be used for all other common card systems. This step underscores our constant efforts not only to preach regional, sustainable partnerships, but also to actively implement them for the benefit of many people. We are happy to make our parking spaces available for this purpose and have found a partner in EnergieSüdwest who was also willing to contribute to a good solution.

Even if you don't own an e-car, there are still some parking spaces on our premises that we make available to the new colleagues. Apply with us and come to #teamweptech.

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