Exhibitions 2025

Hall 3, booth 3-421

Visit us at embedded world in Nuremberg, Germany.

embedded world 2025
embedded world 2025

Engineering and Manufacturing


sensors | radio modules | gateways


wM-BUS | mioty® | USE CASES

WEPTECH elektronik
Electronics plant without fossil fuels

We don't just talk about sustainability. In our new plant, we have not only invested in production technology, but also in sustainable energy generation. We have installed a green solar power plant on our roofs.  We have also entered a regional partnership with our local energy supplier, which ensures that we can obtain 100% certified green electricity from sustainable sources when we need it.

In our new production plant, we supply the entire building and the machines without fossil fuels. Heating, cooling, compressed air and emergency power supply are powered entirely by self-generated solar power or certified renewable electricity. Over 2200 modules on our factory roof generate over 968kWp of electrical power in full sunlight. The system is designed in such a way that we can produce energy self-sufficiently for over 5200 hours a year and consume over 80% of the electricity we generate ourselves. This is made possible by a large battery storage system with a storage capacity of 1036 kWh. This was dimensioned so that it can supply our machine lines with electricity for an entire shift at full capacity.

Another criterion for the selection of such a large storage system was the ability to operate our plant independently in the event of interruptions to the supply network or at least to shut down and restart our production in a targeted and time-optimized manner during longer network outages. To minimize electricity consumption, we have opted for heat pump technology for both heating and cooling.

The air in the production halls is mainly air-conditioned using the recirculation method, which significantly reduces the processing of the freshly supplied air and therefore also the consumption of cooling and heating.

Our PV system is also used to refuel the electric vehicles in our vehicle fleet, as well as the electric vehicles of our visitors. Here, too, we are integrated into our local ESEL network.

WEPTECH elektronik

WEPTECH elektronik
Your partner in Engineering and EMS

WEPTECH elektronik is specialized in wireless technologies and provides E²MS services for the development and production of predominantly radio assemblies and systems (E²MS - Electronics Engineering & Manufacturing Services).

Our core competencies cover the fields of Smart Metering, networking of objects in the Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 via wireless protocols such as wireless M-Bus with Open Metering System (OMS), Thread, NB-IoT and mioty®.

As an Original Design Manufacturer (ODM) we develop and manufacture devices and assemblies for well-known and globally operating companies from various industries.

WEPTECH develops and sells its own products exclusively based on the latest technologies OMS/wM-Bus, NB-IoT, Thread and mioty®.

Strictly according to IPC guidelines, we manufacture and test on 3.500m² electronic assemblies and devices for industrial electronics, building technology, medical technology, avionics and for machine vision.

In December 2018, WEPTECH was the first company to be approved by the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) for the production of Smart Meter Gateways with protection profile in accordance with the Common Criteria EAL4+.

WEPTECH is a member of the executive board of the OMS Group, a Full-Member of the mioty® alliance as well as a member of the German Fachverband Elektronik-Design (FED e.V.).

Engineering & Manufacturing Services
Full Service Package

We see ourselves as an EMS provider and a full-service partner for our customers. You can choose if you only want to use our Manufacturing Services or also our Engineering Services.

Hardware & Software development

In electronics development, WEPTECH works strictly according to the IPC guidelines. This guarantees you excellent quality, reliability and durability of the assemblies used in your product.

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Antenna & housing design

WEPTECH offers its partners the implementation of antenna design, system integration and prototype production all the way to RED certification from a single source.

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Electronics Manufacturing Services

We are a member of the Electronic Design Association (FED e.V.) and work according to IPB guidelines. The IPC standards are applied both nationally and internationally.

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Test & Assembling

In order to always supply fully functional assemblies and to find and correct any errors as early as possible, we use various proven test systems. In addition, we offer the individual development of test sequences ans systems.

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WEPTECH wireless technologies

We have succeeded for years by offering our costumers individual wireless solutions. Therefore we have know-how in a wide range of technologies.

WEPTECH wireless solutions

In order to make optimum use of human and technical resources, WEPTECH now offers its own wireless products.

radio modules

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communication adapter
wireless M-Bus

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The wireless M-Bus (wM-Bus) is the radio-based variant (standardized in the EU standard EN 13757-4 ) of the Meter-Bus and is ideally suited for battery-operated devices, especially for the remote readability of consumption meters in accordance with the OMS specification.

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mioty® is a wireless LPWAN technology developed by Fraunhofer IIS with the ability to query a large number of Internet-of-Things nodes over long ranges. Thanks to Telegram Splitting Multiple Access, it transmits sensor data over long distances in an energy-efficient and reliable manner. mioty® is ETSI standard-compliant.

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Gas meter adapter

As a solution provider in the smart metering market, Weptech has developed new gas meter adapters for different gas meters together with meter companies. The radio connection is made with OMS over wM-Bus/ OMS over mioty®; in the wM-Bus version, the adapters can communicate with the BSI SMGW (in accordance with the OMS® specification).

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Use cases

Practical examples are used here to show how our solutions are used successfully.

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