The next production line is installed

This week we are installing the second production line in our new plant. Over the weekend, we dismantled "Line2" in our production building on Ostring and transferred it to the new plant.
A third placer and a new soldering oven were added to the line. All service technicians and installers are now working at full speed to commission the line at the new location. Next week the first product runs will be tested and then the third line will follow. We would like to thank the service technicians from JUKI and SMT Thermal Discoveries as well as our installers from the local companies Haag Klimatechnik and Avril Elektrochnik for their flexible commitment during the vacation period.

Our plant will soon be humming even more. That's why we're still looking for support in our production and logistics areas. If you too would like to help shape the digital future in energy technology, take a look at our jobs page and apply, for example, as a machine operator SMT or warehouse/logistics employee.

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