No new plant without new IT

When the machines in the new hall are producing so well, you can see the result directly in the warehouse filling up. Everything is up and running and seems to be done by magic. But this is not the case, because in the background, the software from the old plant is still being loaded onto the machines and the test results from the optical monitoring systems are stored in the company's own server cabinet so that they can be tracked.

This requires a reliable IT infrastructure. In the new plant, we have laid almost 30 km of network cable and installed countless switches and routers. In addition, there are telephones, office IT, and a large number of printers and mobile scanners.  The company's 3 sites communicate with a continuous data link and the core network is fiber optic technology. A tremendous effort by our IT team who have taken these components and technologies to a new level. Great job guys!

Another thank you to the team of Matthias Avril and Stefan Gramlich, who installed, labeled, and measured all the plugs and cables.

OT/IT will become more and more important in our company and our connectivity products. If you are interested in topics like app development, IoT cloud structures, power-saving wireless protocols, and embedded firmware development, please send us your application on the homepage. Join our team!

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