Thanks to a very generous funding of the Federal Department of Education and Research of 389,000 Euro, the Technology Network Südpfalz (Southern Palatinate) is able to provide this money for MINT (Mathematics, Informatics, Natural Sciences, Technology) projects especially for kids and teenagers at the age between 6 to 16 years starting on June 1st, 2024.

As a member of the Technology Network Südpfalz (Southern Palatinate), we are very proud of being part of this MINT SPASS Project. SPASS means in this context Special Programs for Students in exceptional Educational Locations.

Mario Brandenburg handed the administrative notice over to the Technology Network in a festive atmosphere. Mario Brandenburg is the Parliamentary State Secretary of the Federal Department of Education and Research.

The aim of this project is to reach out to kids and teenagers at unusual places and to raise their interest for MINT topics. Mobile options at leisure places are supposed to give them a completey new access to MINT.

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In the picture, from left to right:

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Magin - Hochschule Kaiserslautern, Vizepräsident für Internationalisierung

Marcus Ehrgott - Geschäftsführer Technologie-Netzwerk Südpfalz e.V.

Mario Brandenburg – MdB

Dr. Fritz Brechtel – Landrat Landkreis Germersheim

Oswald Maurer - 2. Vorsitzender Technologie-Netzwerk Südpfalz e.V.
und Geschäftsführer WEPTECH elektronik GmbH, Landau


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