Good climate, good products

Today we write about the things during visits and the machine technology that are often forgotten. In the new plant, we have installed state-of-the-art air-conditioning technology that supplies the production areas with conditioned air. The constant climatic conditions at 23 degrees Celsius and approx. 45% humidity allow a pleasant production and manufacturing of our products. In order to provide energy-efficient air conditioning, we have chosen a solution with a high proportion of recirculated air.

This air is blown into the hall via the blue air hoses and approx. 20% fresh air is supplied via the red hoses. This can be up to 15,000 cbm of air per hour. The exhaust air from the ovens and machines is discharged via separate pipes and balanced by the control elements. Required heating and cooling is provided by very efficient heat pumps and partly stored in buffer tanks. Due to the given heights, it was not always easy to install the ducts and ventilation systems in the rooms. The upcoming transition period gives us the opportunity to further optimize the system. The first endurance test in hot and humid August has already been successfully passed: the systems ran stably and showed no signs of overloading. 

The employees in production appreciate their new air-conditioned working environment very much and would be happy to get reinforcements in form of new colleagues. You can find our vacant job postings here.

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