Digital remote reading of heat meters

Weptech was excited to read the press release about the successful go-live of the joint project "digital remote reading of heat meters" of Danpower, enercity contracting and Deutsche Telekom.

The goal of the project was to map a secure, manufacturer-independent and automated remote reading of heat meters via NB IoT Gateway on the Cloud of Things of Deutsche Telekom in order to be able to digitalize the downstream billing processes due to the current legal requirements (EED, UVI).

WEPTECH, as a project partner of Deutsche Telekom, has realized the connection of the SWAN2 gateway based on the LwM2M protocol for this future-oriented solution, which enables meter data to be received on the Cloud of Things (CoT) (in the cloud, on platforms), decoded (parsed) and thus made available for billing systems of energy service providers. In addition, we have also registered LwM2M smart meter objects with the OMA. This allows platforms to recognize and process this data directly as meter data, says Wolfgang Esch - Head of Sales & Marketing - from WEPTECH.

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