SWAN is the largest of all the ducks and usually stays with his partner all his life.

The SWAN3 is a wall or pole mounted gateway which is operated with 230 V which can receive data from up to 250 wireless M-Bus devices and upload it to a platform using the NB1 cellular network. 

Provisioning takes place using a NFC interface, thus allowing to use your smart phone during installation. The same holds for the process of firmware update. In addition, remote configuration and FOTA (Firmware-Over-the-Air) can be performed over NB1 soon.

The OMS 3.x and 4.x compliant wireless M-Bus interface operates at 868 MHz and supports mode S, T and C, frame formats A and B.

The following protocols are supported: UDP, HTTP/S, LwM2M.

For applications without an available power supply, we offer the SWAN2 as a suitable battery-powered variant.

product background product image
  • 3GPP licensed technology
  • Weight < 400 g
  • Ideal for Smart Metering
  • Usage within the temperature range: -20 – +55 °C
  • wM-Bus mode S, T and C
  • Low power consumption & Deep building penetration
  • 868 MHz
  • OMS 3.x and 4.x compliant
  • Firmware update via NFC
  • Parameter setting via our Android NFC Configurator app



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